Friday, November 9, 2012

Let's Try This Again

Here we go...another attempt at winning a car seat giveaway.  Things have somewhat improved with the car seat woes (earlier post about baby's car seat problems), but not enough to make me confident about our upcoming loooooong drive (across several states).  I'm still hoping that switching to a convertible car seat will make the little one tolerate long car trips better...that's what people keep telling me. 

I came across a great giveaway at Harper Household Happenings for a Diono RadianRXT car seat.  This this is fantastic!  It works from 5-80 lbs so it has lots of shelf life, and it folds for easy storage.  Enter here if you're interested!

Friday, October 26, 2012

Yes, I'm obsessed.

So believe it or not, I entered another giveaway for a carrier....a Boba Air carrier to be exact.  What? You have to maximize your chances right?  Elena, from one of my favorite blogs The Art of Making a Baby is hosting her own giveaway for a Boba Air.  Her daughter Alexis looks Oh So Adorable in this thing!  Have I mentioned how much I want one of these things?  A great carrier in the SCC style, that's easy to roll up and toss in a diaper bag....perfect!  I so so so hope I get to win one!

Enter here for your chance to win!

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Boba Air Giveaway

Anyone that knows me knows I'm pretty much obsessed with baby carriers.  I have a baby who loves to be held...but seeing as how heavy he is, I pretty much require a baby carrier or my back pays the price.  I've recently learned of the Boba Air...the world's lightest baby carrier...I so want this!  Unlike my big and bulky SCC, it rolls up so nice and small, perfect to toss in my purse or diaper bag when baby decides he's done being worn. I rarely take my SCC places besides walks around the neighborhood, because I just don't know what to do with it when I take my little one out...problem solved with the Boba Air!  Mommy and Me Giveaways is giving away a Boba Air....I entered to win and you can too!  Here is the link to the giveaway:

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Carseat Woes

So my little one HATES car seats.  HATES them...which pretty much means that I don't get out much.  We go for walks, doctor's appointments, and church...but besides that, I don't really go many places with him. Sometimes I get soooo stir crazy.  I keep hoping he'll outgrow his hate for the car seat, but no such luck yet.  I've heard that sometimes, babies who hate infant car seats do better in convertible car seats.  I came across a great giveaway on one of my favorite blogs for a wonderful looking car seat.  Sounds like Elena had the same problems I did.

I entered to win the car seat...and I'm really hoping I get blessed with it and it changes the way my little guy feels about car rides. 

Here's the link to the great giveaway:


I need to get around to making this blog do I do that?  I'm such a noob.

Catch 22

So I'm pretty awful at updating this thing.  I waver back and forth between whether or not I actually want to keep a blog.  I want to blog, but I don't want to post pictures because I'm super private...but I also am not the type to just write for the sake of writing,  but who wants to read a blog without pictures?  Not me.  Not usually at least. 

Catch 22. took me forever to figure out how to even log back into my blog to write this post.  I'm bad. 

Ok, I'm going to make a greater effort, if anything just so I can have a record of some memories to look back on later on.  I'm not a journaler or a scrapbooker...maybe I can be a blogger?

Monday, September 10, 2012

Boon Inc High Chair Giveaway!

Check out this sweet giveaway for a Boon Inc high chair!  Hope I win this for our little one!